ICPC ASIA DHAKA REGIONAL CONTEST 2021 এর চূড়ান্ত ফলাফলে আইএসটির ৩১তম স্থান অধিকার।
সম্প্রতি অনুষ্ঠিত “ICPC ASIA DHAKA REGIONAL CONTEST 2021” এর চূড়ান্ত ফলাফলে দেশের সব পাবলিক এবং প্রাইভেট বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের মধ্যে আইএসটি ৩১তম স্থান অধিকার করেছে। অভিনন্দন IST_NEVER_GIVEUP

1st Place, National Innovation Challenge 2015
Aktar and his team from our ECE dept. won the first prize by making a solar-powered cycle. In that event many renowned universities like DU,

Runner up, Code Warriors Challenge 2015
BASIS Institute of Technology & Management (BITM), an initiative of Bangladesh Association of Software & Information Services (BASIS) and ICT Division, Ministry of Post, Telecommunication

IST Ranked 1st among all the colleges of the National University in the Inter University Girls Programming Contest in 2018 (NSU-IUGPC’18)
NSU ACM-W SC presented the first ever “Inter University Girls Programming Contest 2018” (NSU-IUGPC’18), which was held on 26 January 2018. Total 75 teams participated

Female Contestants of IST Participated at NGPC (National Girls Programming Contest) in 2018
National Girls Programming Contest-2018 was held on 22nd October 2018 in Daffodil International University. Public & private universities students participated in this contest.One team from

IST Ranked 1st among all the colleges of the National University in National Girls Programming Contest in 2017
The final round of the National Girls Programming Contest 2017 was held on the 9th of May 2017 at Daffodil International University. A total number

CSE Students Participated at National Girls Programming Contest in 2019
Daffodil International University (DIU) hosted 4th “National Girls’ Programming Contest 2019” in collaboration with Department of Computer Science and Engineering, DIU Girls’ Computer Programming Club

Inter-University Tech Fest 2012, KUET
A 2-day long technology festival “Inter-University Tech Fiesta – 2012” was held on September 29, 2012, at Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET). The

Runner Up, TechnoCraze_2019, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology
This event was organized by Andromeda Space and Robotics Research Organization (ASRRO), held at Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology in 2019, and our student

Students from CSE Department Participated at ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest Dhaka Site Regional in 2018
ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (abbreviated as ACM-ICPC or just ICPC) is an annual multi-tiered competition among the universities of the world. There are eighteen

Runner Up, NSU Cybernauts 2013
NSU Cybernauts 2013 was arranged by the computer club of NSU. It was a programming contest where our students took part, showed their ability, and

Coach Kamrul Hassan appreciates IST BBA top ranked young leaders and they secure the core team position in CKH Network.
Team, IST BBA with Coach Kamrul Hassan who is Top ranked corporate trainer & ex-Harvard. He appreciate IST BBA top ranked young leaders and they