Institute of Science and Technology

a center of excellence for education
Institute of Science and Technology

a center of excellence for education

Computer Lab

IST Computer Lab is equipped with all modern computers with latest edition of hardware and software is installed that are relevant to the CSE course curriculum such as Structured Programming, Object Oriented Programming, Data Structure, Algorithm Design, Software Engineering, Database Management System, Networking, Data Communication, and Web Engineering. The labs consist of around 107 PC’s connected with advanced manageable switches and routers to support high speed connectivity.

Additional to the regular classes, the computer lab also provides support to the students for:

  1. Industrial Research
  2. Programming Contests
  3. Hackathons
  4. Software Development Bootcamps
  5. Training Sessions
  6. Gaming Contests etc.

Lab Name

No. of PC



Computer Lab- 01

30 pcs

Windows OS

1. Code::Blocks

2. Flex Windows [Lex and Yacc]

3. Matlab

4. Adobe Illustrator

5. Adobe Photoshop

6. Emulator 8086

7. Microsoft Visual Studio

8. Chrome Setup

9. Firefox Installer

10. Cisco Packet Tracer

11. VMware Workstation

12. 7z1900


14. Sublime Text Build

15. npp.7.6.3.Installer

16. VSCode

17. logisim-win

18. Microsoft Visual Studio

19. Office 2007 ENT

20. wrar371.Regged

21. Proteus Profesional

22. arduino-1.6.11-windows

23. AutoCAD


25. ideaIC

26. SPSS

Computer Lab- 02

34 pcs

Computer Lab- 03

10 pcs

Computer Lab- 04

15 pcs

Teacher’s & Administrative


18 pcs

Windows OS


Total Computer = 30+34+10+15+18 = 107 PC

LAN Connection



Teacher’s & Administrative: 18

Computer LAB’s: 89

Students Club: 3

Wireless Connection

Access Point


Teacher’s & Administrative: 08 pcs

Students: 05 pcs



Teacher’s & Administrative: 08

1. IST Teachers (AP)

2. IST Teachers (AP)

3. IST Teachers (AP)

4. IST Chairman (AP)

5. IST Director (Academic)

6. IST Director (Admin)

7. IST Diploma R#

8. IST Teacher’s (AP) R# 304


Students: 05

1. AP-Ground

2. AP-Ground (AccessTEL)

3. AP-3rd Floor

4. AP-3rd Floor (AccessTEL)

5. AP Com Lab 1 & 2

Server Room

No .of Router: 01


MikroTik (Cloud Core Router)


Broadband Connection (Internet Speed)

Connectivity -2


150 Mbps