Mahadi Hasan Mithun, a student of CSE-20th batch of IST, swam 16.1 km on Bangla Channel on March 21, 2019. We are proud of his success.
“On March 21, at 9:45 am, 34 swimmers descended into the Bay of Bengal from Shahpari Island in Teknaf. Swimming destination is St. Martin’s Island. In the end, 31 people managed to cross the 16.1-kilometer-long Bay of Bengal and the Naf River’s current, the Bangla Channel, from Shahpari Island in Teknaf Upazila in Cox’s Bazar to St. Martin’s. ” The rest of this news is covered in Prothom Alo’s report:একসঙ্গে-৩১-জন
Video of part of his swimming: