1985: Post-Doc. in liquid semiconductors, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
1979: Ph.D in Solid State Electronics, King’s College, University of London, U.K
1973: M.Sc in Solid State Physics (Thesis group), Department of Applied Physics & Electronics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
1971: B.Sc Honours in Physics, Department of Physics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
1985: Post-Doc. in liquid semiconductors, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
1979: Ph.D in Solid State Electronics, King’s College, University of London, U.K
1973: M.Sc in Solid State Physics (Thesis group), Department of Applied Physics & Electronics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
1971: B.Sc Honours in Physics, Department of Physics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
| Seminars, Symposiums, International Conferences Attended | Year |
1 | The Twenty-eighth International Diamond Conference, St. Catherine’s College, Oxford, UK, 9-12th July, 1977 | 1977 |
2 | The twenty-seventh International Diamond Conference, Physics Dept. University of Reading, UK, 7-9th July, 1977 | 1977 |
3 | Spring college on “Physics of Crystalline Semiconductor Materials and Devices”, ICTP (International Center for Theoretical Physics), Trieste, Italy April-June, 1984 | 1984 |
4 | Study tour on “Appropriate Technology”, various parts of France, June-July | 1986 |
5 | Spring College on Order and Chaos in Non-Linear Physical Systems, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, April-June, 1986 | 1986 |
6 | Asian regional course on Material Science and Metallurgy, Quid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan, November 1986 | 1986 |
7 | Regional workshop on The Topics in Semiconductors Physics. Chualalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, January 1987 | 1987 |
8 | Co-Author: International Conference on Circuits and Systems, California. | 1987 |
9 | International Conferences and Intensive Tutorial Course on Semiconductor Materials, New Delhi, India, Dec. 8-16, 1988 | 1988 |
10 | Survey tour on flood situation in various parts in India and Kathmundu, Nepal, Sept-Oct, 1988 | 1988 |
11 | International Symposium on Advanced Materials, Islamabad, Pakistan, Sept 1989 | 1989 |
12 | International Conference on “Floods in Bangladesh: What are the Solutions?” Concordia University, Canada, May 11-12, 1989 | 1989 |
13 | Asian workshop on the technological charge and women to words 21st Century, 5-9 February, 1990, New Delhi, India | 1990 |
14 | UNESCO workshop “Enhancing girl’s participation in Science and Technology”, 9-13th December, 1991, New Delhi, INDIA | 1991 |
15 | Kathmundu Summer School on “High TC Superconductivity” 2-15 August 1991 | 1991 |
16 | International Conference on Women’s Vision of Science and Technology for Development and TWOWS first general assembly, Cairo, EGYPT, 10-13 January, 1993 | 1993 |
17 | UN-ESCAP Second Asian and Pacific Ministerial Conference on ‘Women in | 1994 |
18 | Sixth International Symposium on renewable energy education, 26-28th Nov. 1998, New Delhi, India (TERI) | 1998 |
19 | Twentieth Bangladesh Science Conference (BASS) 28-30th Nov. Dhaka | 1998 |
20 | Second General Assembly and International Conference: Women, Science and Technology for sustainable development. 8-11 Feb. Cape town, South Africa (TWOWS). | 1999 |
21 | Second International Seminar on “Renewable energy for poverty Alleviation”, 26-27 Nov. 1999 Dhaka | 1999 |
22 | International Conference on “Women, Biotechnology, Environment and Non Conventional Energy” October 17th-21st Hyderabad, India | 2000 |
23 | International conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering, Jan 5 & 6 2001, Sonargaon Pan Pacific Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh | 2001 |
24 | The 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development (ICRESD-2003), 2-4 October, 2003 at IEB Campus, Dhaka | 2003 |
25 | IEEE Calcutta Section’s Silver Jubilee Celebration Program, at Kolkata, India, 6-7 November, 2003 | 2003 |
26 | Regional Workshop on Renewable Energy: Progress and Prospects, 26~27 Feb 2004, Physics Auditorium of University of Dhaka, and Atomic Energy Commission Auditorium, Dhaka | 2004 |
27 | International Conference on Physics for Understanding and Applications, | 2004 |
28 | International Conference on Gender Participation in the Development of Science on 14-15 November 2009. “Participation of Women in Science,Engineering and Technology: Bangladesh Perspective.”, Jointly organized by Bangladesh Academy of Sciences and TWAS. | 2009 |
| Research Publications: | Year |
1. | The Property of Metal and Metal Semiconductor contact, the Dhaka University Studies, Vol, XXII, No. 2, 1975 (Journal) | 1975 |
2. | Photo capacity of Diamonds Conference Proceeding International Diamond Conference Reading U.K, 1977, PP-61-63 | 1977 |
3. | Photo capacity Measurements of natural on natural Semiconductor Diamond, J.Phy. C.Solid State Physics, Vol, 1978, P-1375-1380 (Journal) | 1978 |
4. | The 2.367 ev Optical centers in type Ib Diamond Conference Proceeding International Diamond Conference, Oxford 1978: PP-64-70 (Journal) | 1978 |
5. | Optical Studies of the 2.367 cv vibronic absorption system in irradiated type Ib diamond. Proceeding Royal Society, London, A367, 81-97, 1978. (Journal) | 1978 |
6. | High Temperature Annealing of Irradiated type Ib Diamonds, Proc, Symp. on the Role of Physics for Development, Dhaka, 1982. | 1982 |
7. | Photo-Conductivity Measurements of Natural and Irradiated Diamonds. The Dhaka University Studies-B XXXi(I), 29-33:1983 , Jan. (Journal) | 1983 |
8. | Defects in Diamond: “Women and Science.” Journal Published by the Association of Women Scientist, Bangladesh 1984. (Journal) | 1984 |
9. | Interchain Interaction of Sc in Mordenite, Japanese Journal of Physics, 1985. (Journal) | 1985 |
10. | EXAFS, PAS and OP-Abs, Measurements of Ses Mixtures in mordenite. Japanese journal of Physics, 1985. (Journal) | 1985 |
11. | Investigation of Sc and Ses within Mordenite channels, Abstract of the Scientific papers, 10th annual Bangladesh Science conference, Mohakhali Health Complex March, 22-27., 1985. | 1985 |
12. | Prospects of Raw Jute in Electronic Industry. Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research XX(1-4) 1986. (Journal) | 1986 |
13. | Fuel-less Um Chula, and adaptation of the hay-box principle for Bangladesh and an investigation on its performance. Appropriate technology vol 13, No. 1, ITDG London, 1986. (Journal) | 1986 |
14. | An Investigation on the utility and efficiency of conventional as well as various improved chulas available in Rural Bangladesh, Rural Technology Journal Vol. 2 no. 4, Allahabad, India, 1986. (Journal) | 1986 |
15. | A loss less composite integrator (LCI) based on mixed LDI-Bilinear Transformation. Proceeding of the International Conference on circuit and systems, California, 1986 | 1986 |
16. | A loss less composite integrator (LCI) based on mixed LDI-Bilinear Transformation. Proceeding of the International Conference on circuit and systems, California, 1986. | 1986 |
17. | Some results of the solar drying of potato and vegetables, Published in Rural Technology Journal, Allahabad, 1987. (Journal) | 1987 |
18. | Exact design of SC. filters using LdI-Bilinear Integrators. Circuits and Systems I.E.E.E. Trans, 1987. (Journal) | 1987 |
19. | Science and Technology amongst the rural poor women in Bangladesh. Some experiences and some efforts. Proceeding of the Asian workshop on popularization of science and technology to enhance women’s participation. Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1987 | 1987 |
20. | Advances in telecommunications: “Women and Science” A Journal published by Association of women scientist Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1987. (Journal) | 1987 |
21. | EXAFS of Single Selenium Chain within dielectric Matrix Channels. Proceeding, International Conference and intensive tutorial course on semiconductor materials, New Delhi, India, 1988 | 1988 |
22. | “Make friendship with computer” Bijnan Samoeeki, Bangladesh, Dec. 1988. | 1988 |
23. | “Photo acoustic Spectroscopy of Single Se chain in Mordenite Matrix Channel.” Published in the proceeding of international Symposium on advanced materials. Islamabad, Pakistan, September 1989 | 1989 |
24. | Technological changes and their impact on the Socio-Cultural Status of Women; Bangladesh context. Proceeding, Asian workshop, Technological changes and women, New Delhi, India, Feb. 1990 | 1990 |
25. | “World of Electronics” and Women Published in the proceeding of Bangladesh Electronics Society Symposium, May 31, 1990. | 1990 |
26. | The impact of Computer Technology for the Socio-Economic development of women in Bangladesh, Published in the Journal (Women and Science) By Women Scientist Association, Bangladesh, July 1990. (Journal) | 1990 |
27. | “Women in Science & Technology” Bangladesh Region, Presented and published in the Conference proceeding BAAS conference proceeding BAAS conference 1990 | 1990 |
28. | “Bangladesh Towards 2020” and Science and Technology policy, Published in the conference proceeding International Conference on “Bangladesh 2020” arranged by ISB, Canada 1990 | 1990 |
29. | Science policy and the status of women “Presented in the UNESCO workshop on “Enhancing girls Participation in Science and Technology ” Published in the proceeding on the workshop. New Delhi, India 1991 | 1991 |
30. | Prospects of “Data Entry” for employment in Bangladesh. Published in “Computer Jagat”. A monthly, P-9-13, October, 1991 | 1991 |
31. | “A solar Energy Plant for Rural Applications”. Published in the Conference proceeding, International Conference on Women’s vision of Science and Technology for Development and TWOWS first General Assembly, Cairo, Egypt, 10-13 Jan `93. 1993 | 1993 |
32. | A computerized Legal Information Systems, Dhaka University Studies, B, 41(1): 63-67, 1993 (January) (Journal) | 1993 |
33. | “Your Honor”, A data base legal information systems “InfoHokkaido `93 (on the 10th anniversary of IPSJ, Hokkaido), Japan, `93, P 46-47. (Journal) | 1993 |
34. | Microprocessor based solar Energy Recorder role Renewable Engorge in Policy, New Delhi, India, 1994. (Journal) | 1994 |
35. | Development of a Database Management System in Bangladesh D.U. Journal of Science,44(1): 87-90, 1996. (Journal) | 1996 |
36. | Renewable energy education a case study and analysis Published in proceeding of the sixth International Symposium on Reusable energy education held on 26-28th November 1998 in New Delhi, India | 1998 |
37. | A Microcomputer Based Temperature Monitoring System. Physics of Scientific Devices vol. II 1282-V. Kumar and S.K. Agarwal (Eds), 1998.Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India. (Journal) | 1998 |
38. | A Graphical User Interface based information system for university of Dhaka. Published in the proceedings on Twentieth Bangladesh Science Conference (BASS), November 28-30, 1998 | 1998 |
39. | A Real-time Signal processing: Algorithm vs. Architecture. Published in the proceedings on twentieth Bangladesh Science Conference (BASS), November 28-30, 1998 | 1998 |
40. | PCM-based interface card for for digital telephone system. Published in the proceedings on twentieth Bangladesh Science Conference (BASS), November 28-30,1998 | 1998 |
41. | Women Scientists in the New Communication Era: Challenges and Opportunities,time series analysis of solar radiation to develop PV Technology in Bangladesh and involvement of women. Proceedings on the International Seminar and second general energy of TWOWS, Capetown, RSA, 8-11 February, 1999 | 1999 |
42. | Women in Communication Technology in Bangladesh: A Statistical Analysis, 1999 | 1999 |
43. | Time series spectrum analysis of solar radiation in Bangladesh second International Seminar on renewable energy for poverty alleviation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 26-27 November, 1999 | 1999 |
44. | Solar Radiation in Bangladesh: A Qualitative evaluation of the expected values due to climate change. Published in the Journal in the International Conference on “Women” Biotechnology, Environment and non-Conventional energy, Oct. 17th to 21st, 2000, Hyderabad, India. (Journal) | 2000 |
45. | A Qualitative analysis of holographic and algorithmic approach through Neural network for pattern recognition. Accepted for publication in the proceedings of International Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering, Jan. 5 & 6, 2001, Sonargaon Pan Pacific Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh | 2000 |
46. | Design and Development of a model of a small-scale fiber optic network. Accepted for publication in the proceedings of International Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering, Jan. 5 & 6, 2001, Sonargaon Pan Pacific Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh | 2001 |
47. | PC-based EPROM Programmer. Accepted for publication in the proceedings of International Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering, Jan. 5 & 6, 2001, Sonargaon Pan Pacific Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh | 2001 |
48. | An approach for solving real time problem using semaphore. Accepted For publication in the proceedings of International Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering, Jan. 5 & 6, 2001, Sonargaon Pan Pacific Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh. | 2001 |
49. | An Approach to solve real-time problem using semaphore in LINUX Environment, D.U. Studies, 2001. (Journal) | 2001 |
50. | A Neural Network Approach in Bi-directional Associative Memory Utilizing Fuzzy Logic for Spatial Pattern Recognition, accepted in BAAS Conference 2001. | 2001 |
51. | A Proposed Model for a Campus LAN using Optical Communication Link, Accepted in 21st BAAS Conference, 2001 | 2001 |
52. | Telecommunication at the Beginning of the New Millennium: Present Scenario and Future Trend-A Model for Community LAN, published in proceedings of ICECE, Jan 5-6, 2001 | 2001 |
53. | Sharmin Parveen, Hasan Sarwar, Shahida Rafique, Telecommunication at the Beginning of The New Millennium: Present Scenario and Future Trend – A model for Community LAN, “International Conference on Electrical And Computer Engineering”, ICECE-2001, Jan 5-6 2001, Dhaka, Bangladesh | 2001 |
54. | Sharmin Parveen, Hasan Sarwar, Shahida Rafique, A Proposed Model for a Campus LAN Using Optical Communication Link, “21st Bangladesh Science Journal of Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science”, 2001. (Journal) | 2001 |
55. | Hasan Sarwar, Shahida Rafique, Simulation and Evaluation of Some of The Characteristic properties of Semiconductor, Presented at a Symposium of Bose Centre, April 21, 2001, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. | 2001 |
56. | The effect of different window functions in Spectrum analysis. Published in D.U. Journal of Science in January 2002 (Vol. 50, No. 1). (Journal) | 2002 |
57. | An approach to compute solar irradiance at the top of the atmosphere through software: its spatial pattern on the earth surface at the location 20034′ to 26038′ N and 8801′ to 92041′ E, published in Solar Energy Journal, 2002. (Journal) | 2002 |
58. | Radiation Pattern Due to Global Temperature Change: A Comparative Analysis, published in Solar Energy Journal, 2002. (Journal) | 2002 |
59. | Potential Sources of Energies In Bangladesh: Utilization and Environmental Issues, Published in proceedings of World Renewable Energy Congress (WREC) VII, 29 June-5 July 2002, Cologne, Germany | 2002 |
60. | DWDM Technology: Implementation on a Unidirectional System through Algorithmic Approach, published by IEEE Press in the proceedings of PDCAT’03 Conference, August 2003, PR China. (Journal) | 2003 |
61. | FPGA Realization of Multipurpose FIR Filter, published by IEEE Press in the proceedings of PDCAT’03 Conference, August 2003, PR China | 2003 |
62. | Hardware Realization of Fuzzy Brake System, publish in Dhaka University Journal, 2003. (Journal) | 2003 |
63. | Mobility Management of GSM using Reverse Virtual Call Setup Algorithm, published Dhaka University Studies, July 2003. (Journal) | 2003 |
64. | A Proposed Wireless LAN (WLAN) for Dhaka University Campus: Utilizing Multi-Cellular Topology, presented in the Electronic Society seminar and published in the Journal of Electronic Society, 2003. (Journal) | 2003 |
65. | Code Generation for Recognition of Different Types of Patterns through Neural Network, presented in the Electronic Society seminar and published In the Journal of Electronic Society, 2003. (Journal) | 2003 |
66. | An Algorithm to Realize the Routing of a 4-Fiber SONET Ring Network: An Approach to Increase the Capacity through CDMA, presented in the Electronic Society seminar and published in the Journal of Electronic Society,2003. (Journal) | 2003 |
67. | Towards the Modification of TCP/IP Protocol, presented in the Electronic Society seminar and published in the Journal of Electronic Society, 2003. (Journal) | 2003 |
68. | Two Dimensional Fast Fourier Transformation of Global Radiation with Time, published in the proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development (ICRESD-2003),2-4 Oct2003 at IEB Campus, Dhaka | 2003 |
69. | Statistical Analysis of Rainfall and Solar Radiation: Bangladesh Region, published in the proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development (ICRESD-2003), 2-4 October, 2003 at IEB Campus, Dhaka | 2003 |
70. | A Software For Computation of Solar Irradiation on the Earth Surface at the Location 230 46’N to 250 02’N and 890 50’E to 900 46’E, published in the proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development (ICRESD-2003), 2-4 October, 2003 at IEB Campus, Dhaka | 2003 |
71. | Design and Architecture of Highly Efficient Solar Cells, published in the Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development (ICRESD-2003), 2-4 October, 2003 at IEB Campus, Dhaka | 2003 |
72. | Performance Study of Locally Fabricated Solar Panel, presented and published in the International Journal on Renewable Energy Technology for Rural Development (RETRUD-03), at Kathmundu, Nepal, October 2003. (Journal) | 2003 |
73. | Mobile Communication System Engineering: Evolution Toward 4G and Next, published in the Journal Key Note in IEEE Calcutta Section’s Silver Jubilee Celebration Program (SJCP), at Kolkata, India, 6-7 November, 2003. (Journal) | 2003 |
74. | Effects of Cell Phones on Human Body: Engineering and Biological Perspective, accepted for presentation in the National Conference on Radio Science (INCURSI-2003) at National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, 27-29 Nov. 2003 | 2003 |
75. | A Shortest Path Routing Algorithm For Reliable Spanning Cost Minimization, Presented and published in the Journal of National Conference on Radio Science (INCURSI- 2003) at National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, 27-29 November 2003. (Journal) | 2003 |
76. | Tariqul Islam, Hasan Sarwar, Shahida Rafique, et. al., FPGA Realization of Multipurpose FIR Filter, Journal of “The Fourth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies.” August 27-29, 2003, Chengdu, China. (Journal) | 2003 |
77. | S Rafique, S Parveen, A Azhari, H Sarwar, Mobile Communication System Engineering: Evolution Toward 4G and Next, Calcutta Section Journal, IEEE SILVER JUBILEE Celebration Program, Nov 6-7, 2003, Kolkata, India (Journal) | 2003 |
78. | Hadifur Rahman, Hasan Sarwar, Shahida Rafique, Design and Architecture of Highly Efficient Solar Cell, Proceedings of “Journal on Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development” Oct 2-4, 2003, ISBN 984-32-0869-2, Dhaka, Bangladesh (Journal) | 2003 |
79. | Afreen Azhari, Hasan Sarwar, Dr. Shahida Rafique, “A Proposed Free Space Optical Wireless Local Area Network (LAN) for Dhaka University Campus: Utilizing Multi-cellular Topology”, BES (Bangladesh Electronics Society) Conference 2002, April 24 & 26, 2003, Dhaka, Bangladesh | 2003 |
80. | Advances and Applications of Quantum Monte Carlo Method in Characterizing Compound Semiconductors and Devices, published in the Journal of CODEC 2004, at Kolkata, 1-3 January 2004. (Journal) | 2004 |
81. | Design and Architecture of Highly Efficient Solar Cells, presented and published in the Journal of CODEC 2004, at Kolkata, 1-3 January 2004. (Journal) | 2004 |
82. | A Software-based Computation of Solar Radiation over the Top of the Global Atmosphere at the Location of 20034¢ to 26038¢ North Latitude and 88001¢ to 92041¢ East Longitude: its Pattern on the Earth Surface, presented and accepted for publication in the International Conference on Physics for Understanding and Applications, 22~24 Feb 2004 at BUET, Dhaka | 2004 |
83. | An Approach to find out the Relationship between Solar Radiation, Rainfall and Temperature by Statistical Analysis: Bangladesh Region, presented and accepted for publication in the International Conference on Physics for Understanding and Applications, 22~24 Feb 2004 at BUET, Dhaka. | 2004 |
84. | Renewable Energy Scenario in Bangladesh: Estimation, Expectation and Future Trend, presented and accepted for publication in the International Conference on Physics for Understanding and Applications, 22~24 Feb 2004 at BUET, Dhaka | 2004 |
85. | An algorithmic approach to realize the routing of a four-fiber Bi-directional Line Switching Ring (BLSR) SONET Network, presented and accepted for publication in the International Conference on Physics for Understanding and Applications, 22~24 Feb 2004 at BUET, Dhaka | 2004 |
86. | An Improved Tunnel Dryer for Preservation of Marine Fish, presented and accepted for publication in the International Conference on Physics for Understanding and Applications, 22~24 Feb 2004 at BUET, Dhaka | 2004 |
87. | Data Integrity using Encryption and a Modification Detection Code, presented and accepted for publication in the International Conference on Physics for Understanding and Applications, 22~24 Feb 2004 at BUET, Dhaka | 2004 |
88. | Improvement of data transmission rate in a FDDI network using Load-Sharing through Dual Medium Access Control Address Resolution Protocol (DMARP), presented and accepted for publication in the International Conference on Physics for Understanding and Applications, 22~24 Feb 2004 at BUET, Dhaka | 2004 |
89. | Development of Congestion Control Algorithm for Satellite Router, presented and accepted for publication in the International Conference on Physics for Understanding and Applications, 22~24 Feb 2004 at BUET, Dhaka | 2004 |
90. | A Proposed in-Campus Free Space Optical (FSO) Wireless LAN, presented and accepted for publication in the International Conference on Physics for Understanding and Applications, 22~24 Feb 2004 at BUET, Dhaka | 2004 |
91. | A Comparative Study of Different Modeling Technique for Molecular Modeling and Electronic Structure Calculation, presented and accepted for publication in the International Conference on Physics for Understanding and Applications, 22~24 Feb 2004 at BUET, Dhaka | 2004 |
92. | Spintronics and Spin-related Effects in Semiconductor, presented and accepted for publication in the International Conference on Physics for Understanding and Applications, 22~24 Feb 2004 at BUET, Dhaka | 2004 |
93. | A Three-Dimensional Modeling Algorithm to Realize the Significance of Rainfall and Temperature on Global Radiation, presented and published in the International Journal on Physics for Understanding and Applications, 22~24 Feb 2004 at BUET, Dhaka. (Journal) | 2004 |
94. | Electro-Magnetic Energy Radiation from Cellphones: its Impact on Biological Tissues, presented and published in the International Journal on Physics for Understanding and Applications, 22~24 Feb 2004 at BUET, Dhaka. (Journal) | 2004 |
95. | Short Message Service (SMS) in Road Traffic Information System (RTIS): Architecture & Applicability, presented and published in the International Journal on Physics for Understanding and Applications, 22~24 Feb 2004 at BUET, Dhaka. (Journal) | 2004 |
96. | Data Warehousing & Data Mining: Prediction Decision Support System for Renewable Energy in Bangladesh, presented and accepted for publication in Regional Workshop on Renewable Energy: Progress and Prospects, 26~27 Feb 2004 at Physics Auditorium of Dhaka University and Atomic Energy Commission Auditorium, Dhaka. | 2004 |
97. | Present Status of Solar Drying Method of Fish Processing in Bangladesh and its Impact on Fish Quality, presented and accepted for publication in Regional Workshop on Renewable Energy: Progress and Prospects, 26~27 Feb 2004 at Physics Auditorium of Dhaka University and Atomic Energy Commission Auditorium, Dhaka. (Journal) | 2004 |
98. | Renewable Energy Scenario in Bangladesh: Estimation, Expectation and Future Trend, presented and published as a Key-note country paper in the Journal of WREC (World Renewable Energy Congress) VIII, Denver, Colorado, USA, Aug 29- Sept 3, 2004. (Journal) | 2004 |
99. | An Approach to find out the Relationship between Solar Radiation, Rainfall and Temperature by Statistical Analysis: Bangladesh Region, presented and published in Journal of WREC VIII, Denver, Colorado, USA, Aug 29-Sept 3, 2004. (Journal) | 2004 |
100. | A Three Dimensional Modeling Algorithm to Realize the Significance of Rainfall and Temperature on Global Radiation, presented and published in Journal of WREC VIII, Denver, Colorado, USA, Aug 29-Sept 3, 2004. (Journal) | 2004 |
101. | Sharmin Parveen, R. A. Joarder, Afreen Azhari, Hasan Sarwar, Dr Shahida Rafique, A Congestion Control Algorithm for Multimedia Traffic. 160-163 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Publisher: Springer-Verlag GmbH, ISSN: 0302-9743, Volume 3320 / 2004, Title: Parallel and Distributed Computing: Applications and Technologies: 5th International Conference and published in PDCAT 2004, Singapore, December 8-10, 2004. Proceedings, ISBN: 3-540-24013-6. (Journal) | 2004 |
102. | A New Approach for Congestion Control Algorithm Employing Multimedia Traffic, “Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Electrical And Computer Engineering”, ICECE-2004, Dec 28-30 2004, Dhaka, Bangladesh | 2004 |
103. | Hasan Sarwar, Dr. Shahida Rafique, Spintronics and Spin Related effects in Semiconductor, “International Conference on Physics for Understanding and Application”, Dhaka, 22-24th Feb, 2004, Dhaka, Bangladesh | 2004 |
104. | “A Proposed in Campus Free Space Optical Wireless Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) with Routing Algorithm: Utilizing Multi-cellular Topology”, “International Conference on Physics for Understanding and Application”, Dhaka, 22-24th Feb, 2004, Dhaka, Bangladesh | 2004 |
105. | R. A. Joarder, Sharmin Parveen, Hasan Sarwar, Dr Shahida Rafique, A Satellite Based Shortest Path Routing Algorithm, “International Conference on Physics for Understanding and Application”, Dhaka, 22-24th Feb, 2004, Dhaka, Bangladesh | 2004 |
106. | A Sharmin Parveen, Hasan Sarwar, P. Venkateswaran, S. K. Sanyal, Shahida Rafique, R. Nandi, A Shortest Path Routing Algorithm For Reliable Spanning Cost Minimization, “Journal of The 2nd International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication”, January 1-3, 2004 India. (Journal) | 2004 |
107. | Hasan Sarwar, Shahida Rafique, Advances and Applications of Quantum Monte Carlo Method in characterizing compound semiconductors and devices, “Journal of The 2nd International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication”, January 1-3, 2004 India. (Journal) | 2004 |
108. | Renewable Energy Resources and Technologies: Global Perspective, presented in Seminar and accepted for publication in National Seminar on Renewable Energy in Bangladesh: Research and Application, 24~26 March 2005 at Physics Auditorium, Mukarram Bhaban, University of Dhaka. | 2005 |
109. | Chaotic Behavior of Solar Cell: Identification and Elimination Towards Higher Efficiency, presented in Seminar and accepted for publication in | 2005 |
110. | Design and Construction of Tunnel Drier: for Dehydrated Marine and Fresh Water Fishery Products, presented in Seminar and accepted for publication in National Seminar on Renewable Energy in Bangladesh: Research and Application, 24~26 March 2005 at Physics Auditorium, Mukarram Bhaban, University of Dhaka. | 2005 |
111. | Tariqul Islam, Hasan Sarwar, Shahida Rafique, et. al., FPGA Realization of Multipurpose FIR Filter, Dhaka University Journal of Science, Vol. 53 No.1: 15-24 January 2005 (Journal) | 2005 |
112. | Sharmin Nahar, Hasan Sarwar, Shahida Rafique, Design Constraints of a User Friendly Keyboard Layout Supporting UNICODE Compliant Bangla Character Set, International `Conference on Computer Processing of Bangla, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 2005. (Journal) | 2005 |
113. | Tasnia Hossain, Nusrat Harun, Hasan Sarwar, Shahida Rafique, Performance Study of Two Interior Routing Protocols, RIP and OSPF on a Wide Area Network, International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 8th ICCIT 2005, ISBN 984-32-2873, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 28-30 December 2005 (Journal) | 2005 |
114. | Hasan Sarwar, Shahida Rafique, Monte Carlo Simulation 1D semiconductor Devices, XXVIIIth General Assembly of International Union. Journal of Radio Science (URSI), 23-29 October, 2005, India (Journal) | 2005 |
115. | Performance Study of wired, wireless and combined approach LAN and WAN, General Assembly of International Union. Journal of Radio Science (URSI), 23-29 October, 2005 (Journal) | 2005 |
116. | A Hybrid Algorithm for SATELLITE-TERRESTRIAL Network, General Assembly of International Union. Journal of Radio Science (URSI), 23-29 October, 2005 (Journal) | 2005 |
117. | Hasan Sarwar, Shahida Rafique, Study of Scattering in 1D Nanostructured Semiconductor Devices Using Monte Carlo Simulation, Asia-Pacific Optical Communications 2006 (APOC 2006), 3-7 September 2006, Korea, Optoelectronic Materials and Devices, edited by Yong Hee Lee, Fumio Koyama, Yi Luo, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6352, 63522A, (2006) · doi: 10.1117/12.691802 (Journal) | 2006 |
118. | Hasan Sarwar, Shahida Rafique, Study of transport properties in 1D Nanostructured Semiconductor Devices Using Monte Carlo Simulation, Joint International Conferences and published in the Optical Internet and Next Generation Network (COIN-NGNCON 2006), July 9-13, 2006, Korea (Journal) | 2006 |
119. | Hasan Sarwar, Shahida Rafique, Study of Scattering in 1D Nanostructured Semiconductor Devices, Regional Physics Conference, Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh Feb 11-13, 2006 | 2006 |
120. | S Rafique, H Sarwar, et al. Towards the improvement of Data Rate through DMARP in FDDI Network, The Dhaka University Journal of Science, Vol. 54, No. 1, Jan 2006 (Journal) | 2006 |
121. | Experimental Analysis of Proactive and Reactive Ad-hoc Routing Protocols Using Network Simulator. (Published & presented in the 9th International Conference on Computer & Information Technology (ICCIT), organized by independent University, Bangladesh, 22-24, December 2006 | 2006 |
122. | Broadband Multimedia SATCOM System: Architecture and Algorithm. (Published & Presented in the Regional Physics Conference, Theme: Physics & Development Synergy, Organized by Bangladesh Physical Society, February 2006) | 2006 |
123. | Performance Analysis of Navigation by the Integration of GPS- 24 with LEO & GEO, 1-4244-1550-0/07IEEE, 10th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2007 (Journal) | 2007 |
124. | Calculation of GDOP Approximation by the Integration of GPS, LEO & GEO Journal of the Bangladesh Electronics Society, v-7, N1-2, December 2007 (Journal) | 2007 |
125. | Performance Analysis of AODV & Secure AODV Ad-hoc Routing Protocols Using Network Simulator, Bangladesh Journal of Physics, v-3, June 2007 | 2007 |
126. | Joarder, R.A.; Parveen, S.; Sarwar, H.; Sanyal, S.K.; Rafique, S., “Analysis of real-time multimedia traffic in the context of self-similarity,” Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2008. ICECE 2008. International Journal in, vol., no., pp. 618-623, 20-22, Dec.2008 | 2008 |
127. | Rashid, J.; Sarwar, H.; Rafique, S., “A proposal of an improved Handoff decision algorithm,” Computer and Communication Engineering, 2008. ICCCE 2008. International Journal in, vol., no., pp.32-36, 13-15 May 2008 | 2008 |
128. | A Proposed Integrated Architecture for Fast Handoff in Layer 2 and Layer 3 Dr.Shahida Rafique, Dilshad Mahjabeen, Md.Anwarul Alam, Ayesha Zaman. Stamford, Journal of Electrical, Electronic & Communication Technology ISSN No: 1995-5383, Volume-1, Issue-2, October 2008. (Journal) | 2008 |
129. | A Design of WMAN Based WiMAX: To achieve Seamless Connectivity all over Bangladesh: Satellites & SEA-ME-WE4 Dr.Shahida Rafique, Dilshad Mahjabeen, Moushumi Deb, Tahmina Jebin, Stamford, Journal of Electrical, Electronic & Communication Technology ISSN No: 1995-5383, Volume-1, Issue-2, October 2008. (Journal) | 2008 |
130. | Spatio-Temporal Coding For Wirless Communication: Principals & Applications Dilshad Mahjabeen, Shubhrajit Bhattacharjee, Prof.Shahida Rafique, Ph.D. IST Journal on business and technology Volume 1 Number 1 December 2008, ISSN 2070-4135 (Journal) | 2008 |
131. | Human development index and status of women: Bangladesh perspective Professor Shahida Rafique Ph.D, Nargis Akter and Farida Nasreen IST Journal on business and technology Volume 1 Number 1 December 2008, ISSN 2070-4135 (Journal) | 2008 |
132. | An Accelerating WIMAX Network design with enhance indoor coverage and high capacity. Md. Muhidul Islam Khan, Professor Shahida Rafique Ph.D IST Journal on business and technology, Volume 1 Number 1 December 2008, ISSN 2070-4135 (Journal) | 2008 |
133. | Satellites: The Potential Positive Impacts in Long Haul Communication System in Bangladesh. Stamford Journal Electrical, Electronic and Communication of Stamford University, ISSN No#1995-5383, V-1,I-2, October-2008 | 2008 |
134. | Experimental Analysis of Ad-hoc Routing Protocols Using Network Simulator. Journal of Computer Science, IBASIS University, Volume 2 Number 1, 2008 | 2008 |
135. | Comparison of Survivability & Fault Tolerance of Different MIP Standards | 2009 |
136. | Analysis of Event-related Response in Human Visual Cortex with fMRI | 2009 |
137. | Integrating disaster management and climate change adaptation into policy making: The role of mass media, Professor Dr. Shahida Rafique and Professor Dr. A.A.M.S. Arefin siddque University of Dhaka. Published in the International Disaster Management Conference – 2009, University of Peshawar – Pakistan | 2009 |
138. | “Participation of Women in Science,Engineering and Technology: Bangladesh Perspective.” Published in the International Conference on Gender Participation in the Development of Science held on 14-15 November 2009. Jointly organized by Bangladesh Academy of Sciences and TWAS. | 2009 |
139. | “Information and communication technology (ICT) in mass media for disaster management” Published in the 1st National Congress On “Role of Women in Disaster Preparedness” Delhi Disaster Management Authority, Govt. of NCT, Delhi Delhi Commission for Women, Govt. of NCT, Delhi, 15-16 December, 2009. | 2009 |
140. | The New Communication Technologies to Reach out New and Different Audiences, Professor Dr. Shahida Rafique, Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Dhaka and Nargis Akter, Assistant Professor, Institute of Science and Technology, National University, Presented on 15.11.09 and 18.11.09 for the BCDJC, Participants: Government Officials (Sr. Assistant Secretary to DS level, 2 UP Chairman). | 2009 |
141. | Japan Journal. A personal experience of Science and Technology in Japan, Vol. 1-10, Bijnan Samoeeki, Bangladesh. (Journal) |
142. | Time Series analysis of solar radiation to develop PV Technology in Bangladesh and involvement of women. Proceedings on the international seminar and 2nd general energy of TWOWS |
143. | Who provides the strategy behind the computer. Vol 19. 19. No. 6186, Bijnan Samoeeki, Bangladeshi |
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